In the summer of 2017, after many interdimensional events of alchemical and supernatural nature, the 5D Ultraverse Messiah received a whole new set of information and instructions from the future, regarding the evolution of the musical scene and the ascension from the third to the fifth dimension of existence of a selected group of individuals described as the “Ascension Dancers”, dancing to the rhythm of a new musical genre called “Ascension Disco”.
Inspired to put everything down in the form of a book, the 5D Ultraverse Messiah named it “Discoteca Clandestina: an Eschatological Disco Survival Strategy Plan for The End Times”. The mysterious book gives a detailed timeline of the future from the date of publication (23rd of September 2017) until the year 4009 CE in the future, describing how humanity will be affected by incoming changes of apocalyptic nature.
According to the book, in 2021, after the Third World War has decimated most of the people without musical taste, humanity will be divided into 4 different factions, each of them with their specific musical attitude.
Two of them (The Conventicle, with Esoteric Disco and Discoteca Clandestina, with Ascension Disco) are entitled of preserving the connection to the higher invisible dimensions of existence (4D and 5D) and ease the ascension process, while the other two (Babylon, with Centralized Dance Music, and The Resistance, with Rock Music) are still trapped into the material realm (3D).
Paolo Danese (Italy) and Algis Kaveckis (Lithuania) are the audio/video performative team of Discoteca Clandestina. They provide a psychotronic audiovisual performance that has the goal of delivering the concepts of the book straight into the conscious mind of the viewer, using moving pictures and visual information, supported musically by a djset of Ascension Disco songs. In a few words, a lecture you can dance to. Or a djset you can expand your mind with.
They will also be joined for the occasion by guest Alessandro Parisi with a special Esoteric Disco warm-up djset.